Walking into some random side street in the city of Zurich, you might stumble across an underground club where all the cool kids are standing in queue, waiting for their weekly dose of musical satisfaction provided by WOLFMAN. The captivating electronic pop duo composed of Katerina Stoykova (vocals) and Angelo Repetto (electronics, guitar) first started their musical career in 2013, releasing their critically acclaimed debut album ‘Unified’. The record featured WOLFMAN’s unique approach of electronic pop music, defined by slow beats, distinctive and cleverly used guitars, ethereal atmospheres and seductive vocal melodies. The band released their second and equally successful album ‘Modern Age’ in 2016. In the summer of 2017 Wolfman signed with Irascible Records and released their ‘Sun Sun’ EP, taking a more danceable approach to their music, implementing tighter beats and samples. In 2018, their third album ‚Mad Woman‘ was released and deemed their best work to date by music critics and fans alike. They have been touring continuously throughout Germany and Switzerland.
Faisant suite à leur album “Mad Woman” de 2018, Wolfman reviennent avec le superbe single “Diamonds And Gold”. Le morceau débute sur un riff de guitare bluesy et chaud avant de muer en l'électro-pop dansante qui est devenue leur marque de fabrique. Ecrit, enregistré et mixé par le groupe lui-même dans leur studio zurichois, “Diamonds And Gold” traite de l’incapacité que nous avons en tant qu’humains (et en tant que société) à être réellement honnête les un*es envers les autres. Le titre aborde la grande comédie et les tours que nous jouons dans le but de tromper les autres. Bien qu’en fin de compte, c’est surtout soi-même que l’on trompe. „You love the way I dress up for you, make for you. With rags of gold and diamonds. I make you see me. I make you want me, with poison and crystals, fluids and gold.“